Luacheck module

luacheck module is a single function. Use local luacheck = require "luacheck" to import it.

The first argument of the function should be an array. Each element should be either a file name (string) or an open file handle, in which case luacheck will read it till EOF and close it.


The second argument, if present, should be a table of options. Options are interpreted similarly to corresponding command line switches; see Command line options.

Option Type Default value Boolean true
options.redefined Boolean true
options.unused Boolean true
options.unused_args Boolean true
options.unused_values Boolean true
options.unused_secondaries Boolean true
options.unset Boolean true
options.std String or array of strings "_G"
options.globals Array of strings {}
options.compat Boolean false
options.allow_defined Boolean false
options.allow_defined_top Boolean false
options.module Boolean false
options.unused_globals Boolean true
options.ignore Array of strings {}
options.only Array of strings (Do not filter)

When checking n-th file, luacheck will try to combine options[n] with general options, similarly to how per file config tables overwrite general config table. See Configuration file.

Report format

The luacheck function returns a report. A report is an array of file reports plus fields warnings and errors containing total number of warnings and errors, correspondingly.

A file report is an array of warnings. If an error occured while checking a file, its report will only have error field containing "I/O" or "syntax".

A warning is a table with fields type, subtype and vartype indicating the type of warning (see Types of warnings), and fields line and column pointing to the source of the warning. For warnings related to redefined variables there also are fields prev_line and prev_column pointing to the previous declaration of the variable.